Welcome to my Substack: Thoughts from the Writer’s Desk!

Hello there!

My name is Christopher Soriano-Palma, and I am a writer and bookseller living in Los Angeles, CA. I received an MFA in Writing from the University of San Francisco and have had my writing appear in several publications. I am currently at work on several projects, including screenplays, novels, short fiction, and poetry.

So about this Substack

Thoughts from the Writer’s Desk is a short newsletter about, well, my thoughts from my desk. I had previously written nonfiction for publications such as Reclamation Magazine and Alebrijes Review, alongside personal blogs such as WordPress and Medium.

That said, sometimes I want to write out some thoughts that are not really short fiction or long pieces of creative nonfiction. Sometimes I just want to ruminate akin to writing a journal and think about life and what’s happening in the world.

Thus, this Substack newsletter. Thoughts from the Writer’s Desk will be a place for me to gather and share my thoughts with you as well as to keep you updated with any publications or news I may have. To put it simply, I will be using this newsletter to keep me updated on my life, career, and thoughts.

Though I have enabled paid subscriptions, I want to be transparent and say I do not currently have plans for paid exclusive content. If anything, the paid subscriptions will be a way for anyone to support me financially if they so choose. Writing is not a money-making endeavor. And if it is, then it takes time to get there. I appreciate anyone who chooses to sign up for a paid subscription and support my career. I will mention that I want to come up with rewards and exclusive content later in the future. But please be patient with me as I continue to polish this newsletter.

Other ways you can support me is by shopping through my Bookshop.org page! Bookshop is a website that supports independent bookstores by distributing their profits. As an affiliate, I gain a small commission through purchases made through my shop, and part of that purchase still goes towards indie bookstores. Of course, you can always search for another bookstore to support on that website as well. I have compiled lists of books I love and recommend for people to shop. I hope you pay my page a visit and see what you like.

As for social media, feel free to follow me on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. You can also click on my LinkTree for other links to follow.

Thank you again for supporting my newsletter! Keep doing what you do!

Subscribe to Thoughts from the Writer's Desk

Writing, Bookselling, and Life in Between


Writer and Bookseller; Former Fiction Editor: @WatermelaninMag; Contributor: @ReclamationMag and @AlebrijesReview; He/Him; 30; Always at work on something new.